Wajiha's Story / قصة وجيهة

“My name is Wajiha and I come from Yarmouk Camp. During the war I had to flee my house with my father (who is dead now) and my sister. We had to rent a small flat for the three of us for an expensive rate. I don't work since I didn't finish my studies due to the disability in my left leg. We rely on my father's pension salary and my sister's; However, when my father passed away, they cut off his salary and now I rely only on my sister's salary. I need to buy myself medicine and food and pay the rent but with this little amount of money, we couldn't afford it anymore.

Thanks to your organization who supplied me with cash and medicine, I can continue the next two months with no worry that I will run out of my essential things anymore. "

اسمي وجيهة وأنا من مخيم اليرموك. أثناء الحرب ، اضطررت إلى الفرار من منزلي مع والدي (الذي توفي منذ فترة) وأختي. اضطررنا إلى استئجار شقة صغيرة بسعر باهظ. لا أعمل لأنني لم استطع ان أنهي دراستي بسبب الإعاقة في رجلي اليسرى. نعتمد على معاش والدي وراتب أختي. ومع ذلك ، عندما توفي والدي ، قطعوا راتبه والآن أعتمد فقط على راتب أختي. أحتاج إلى شراء الأدوية والطعام لنفسي ودفع الإيجار, لكن مع هذا المبلغ القلال من المالال من المالال من المالال من المالال الي ن ن نت لي ن ن ن ت لي الد لياد لياد

«Je m'appelle Wajiha et je viens du camp de Yarmouk. Pendant la guerre, j'ai dû fuir ma maison avec mon père (qui est mort maintenant) et ma sœur. Nous avons dû louer un petit appartement pour nous trois à un prix élevé. Je ne travaille pas car je n'ai pas terminé mes études en raison du handicap de ma jambe gauche. Nous comptons sur le salaire de pension de mon père et de celui de ma sœur; Cependant, quand mon père est décédé, ils ont coupé son salaire et maintenant je ne compte plus que sur le salaire de ma sœur. Je dois m'acheter des médicaments et de la nourriture et payer le loyer, mais avec ce peu d'argent, nous ne pouvions plus me le permettre.

Grâce à votre organization qui m'a fourni de l'argent et des médicaments, je peux continuer les deux prochains mois sans craindre de manquer de mes affaires essentielles. "

"My name is Wajiha and I'm from Yarmouk Camp. Dukling the war, I had to flee my house with my father (who is now dead) and my sister. We had to rent a small apartment for the three of us at an expensive price I don't work because I didn't finish my studies because of the disability in my left leg. We rely on my fat pension and my sister's pension; but when my father died they cut his salary and now I only rely on that my sister's salary, I have to buy medicines and groceries and pay the rent, but with that small amount of money we couldn't afford it anymore.

Thanks to your organization that provided me with cash and medicine, I can continue for the next two months without worrying about running out of essentials. "

Amal Suisse