

Amal Suisse specializes in community-based cash and in-kind distribution, education, women empowerment and emergency relief.

In a visit to Syria in 2019, in-kind materials and medical kits have been distributed to poor families in Damascus. Thus, the idea of ​​founding Amal Suisse has come up.


What we do

Cash distribution

Due to the lack in means of livelihood and job opportunities that people suffered following the war, many people in Syria are unable to afford money or basic supplies for their families. Amal Suisse distributes cash to the beneficiaries who are in need.


Because we believe that the power of a country comes from its educational system, our future plan is to educate the young generation, especially those who dropped out of schools. In addition, we plan to create vocational trainings to empower women who can't find a job or didn't have the chance to finish their education due to early marriage or other reasons.

In-kind materials distribution

Due to the severe sanctions on the country, basic amenities such as food and medicines is severely lacking. Amal Suisse team distribute food baskets and medicine boxes for families who couldn't afford any of the mentioned.